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Thursday, October 23, 2014


This dry spell had stayed around too long,
Despite the faded billboard signs of
Sinners Repent and Pray for Rain.
Still not a drop dropped into sight.

A sinner herself, or so they said,
Even with all her efforts to belong.
She lit her candles, murmured her own prayers,
And waited for the promise of night.

Deep in the woods, in her domain,
Black cloak revealed pale, skyclad skin.
Likeminded trees looked on with arms outstretched,
Watching her dance in the soft moonlight.
The sky grew cloudy; the wind grew strong.
Wildly spun every weather vane.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Skyclad Sinner

Since the rain had stayed away too long and the town’s prayers
All gone unanswered, even despite the faded billboard signs of
“Sinners repent and pray for rain”

A sinner herself, or so she’d been told, she took to the night,
Feet stomping circles, puffs of dust from her soles
Dancing along in the moonlight.

Round, round she twirled, her heart on her sleeve with
Dark eyes raised, she watched for the clouds
She knew would soon gather.

prompt: since ____

For Better or for Worse

Separating peel and
Flesh in one long strand of
Dappled apple red

Cast on the floor, it speaks-
Of Daniels, Georges, Peters, and Samuels
Jameses and Olivers ripe for the picking.

Rarer are the Victors, the
Williams and Thomases.

 And Xerxes is right out.

But all end up with a woman,
Handy with a knife and
Wanting wed.

Prompt: message